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8 kesalahan paling umum saat menerjemahkan situs web (dan cara memperbaikinya)

Situs web semakin banyak diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa. Dapat dimengerti, karena jika Anda ingin menarik audiens internasional, Anda perlu menawarkan situs web Anda dalam bahasa-bahasa tersebut. Sayangnya, terjemahan tersebut tidak selalu berjalan dengan baik. Dalam artikel ini, kami membahas 10 kesalahan paling umum yang dilakukan saat menerjemahkan situs web - dan cara memperbaikinya.

1. Improper use of automatic translation programs.

It is very easy these days to use an automatic translation program, such as Google Translate. However, using Google Translate alone is a bad idea. Google Translate does not have the quality you want for your Web site. You can use automatic translation programs as a base, but in almost all cases it is recommended to use a translation agency to do a check anyway. Especially with important items such as menus, terms and conditions, checkout pages (in the case of web stores), etc. In Clonable it is very easy to have a proofreader make adjustments so that the quality of machine translations can be brought to 99% tremendously fast. With much less cost and hassle.

2. Too little or too much information

When translating a website, it is important to find the right balance between text and images. Sometimes websites are translated with too little text, so the meaning is lost. On the other hand, there can also be too much information on a page, making it difficult to understand everything.

3. Wrong choice of words

Sometimes words are used in a translation that are not intended. This can be confusing to the reader and it can cause the message not to come across. So it is important to make the right choice of words.

4. Timestamps

When translating a Web site, it is important to consider time indications. Sometimes indications are used in a translation that do not match the time in the other language. This can be confusing for the reader and it can cause the message not to come across. So it is important to translate time indications correctly.

5. Use of slang

Sometimes words are used in either the original text or the translation that are not easy to translate because they are so-called slang. This can be confusing for the reader and it can cause the message not to come across. So it is important to make the right choice of words. Both in the original text and the translation.

6. Use of jargon

Jargon is a type of special words used in a particular industry. When translating a Web site, it is important to make sure the jargon is translated properly. Otherwise, like slang, it can be confusing to the reader and the message may not come across. Also note that not all professional translators know your jargon. So either look for a translator who does, or have an extensive keyword research done. The latter also helps to better understand the needs of foreign-language visitors and to optimize search engine rankings.

7. Spelling and technical errors

When translating a Web site, it is important to make sure there are no spelling and technical errors in the translation. These can cause a translation to not be taken seriously.

8. Use of numbers

When translating a website, it is important to make sure that the numbers are translated properly. English, for example, remains the main language in the (financial) world. And the English number system differs from all other languages. One hundred thousand is written in English as '100,000', with a comma and not a period. And nine and a half becomes '9.5', with a period.

Menerjemahkan situs web Anda menggunakan plugin atau solusi penerjemahan lainnya?

Seperti yang telah kita bahas di artikel sebelumnya, ada banyak pilihan yang tersedia untuk menerjemahkan situs web. Anda dapat menerjemahkan situs web Anda menggunakan plugin, misalnya WPML untuk WordPress / WooCommerce, dan ada juga jenis plugin lain, juga untuk sistem lain. Namun, ini juga memiliki banyak kelemahan, terutama karena konfigurasinya sering kali sangat merepotkan, kualitas terjemahannya tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, kemampuan pluginnya terbatas, dan sering kali membuat situs web menjadi lebih lambat.

Clonable adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk menerjemahkan dan menginternasionalkan situs web Anda dengan mudah. Anda dapat menerjemahkan situs web dan blog yang sudah ada dalam hitungan detik dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak penerjemahan situs web kami yang sederhana dan intuitif. Daripada membuat situs web yang sama sekali baru dan harus mentransfer semua konten, mungkin menerjemahkannya, dan mengelola dua situs, dengan Clonable Anda akan memiliki situs asing dalam waktu 5 menit. Karena ini adalah salinan langsung, perubahan pada situs asli secara otomatis dibuat (dan diterjemahkan) pada situs yang dikloning. Penyesuaian pada halaman yang ada secara otomatis diterjemahkan.

Bagaimana dengan Anda? Solusi penerjemahan mana yang akan Anda pilih? Jika Anda membutuhkan terjemahan situs web, hubungi tim Clonable kami. Kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda menemukan solusi terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda.

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