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Starting Clonable?

We answer your questions.

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What exactly is Clonable?

Clonable is a tool to copy, possibly translate and maintain a Web site. How does that sound? With the Clonable tool you can, for example, very easily clone a Dutch (.nl) website to a Belgian (.be) website. But also translate your German webshop to, for example, Danish and place it on a .dk domain. The website remains exactly the same, without the risk of plagiarism according to search engines. Not even if you do not add a translation in our system. You choose which elements you modify for the cloned website. For example, you can replace the logo and/or Dutch keywords for Flemish keywords. Or change a certain German translation because you prefer a certain jargon on your German website. More advantages of the Clonable tool can be found below.

Apa keuntungan dari mengkloning situs web?

Cloning a Web site to another area has three major advantages:

  1. Cost-saving. Normally, copying and translating a site or web shop costs an enormous amount of money. With Clonable, it's only a fraction of that.
  2. Time-saving. Normally it takes months to translate a fairly large website, let alone a very large web shop with tens of thousands of products. With Clonable, you can go live in a week.
  3. As good as maintenance-free. There is no hassle of keeping up with foreign content, new content is automatically cloned AND translated. There is no extra hosting and you only need to maintain one dashboard/backend for two or more sites (useful for stock management, for example).

In addition, a few other benefits...

  1. SEO optimization. Through Clonable you are simply findable with your product or service in more countries or among non-native speakers in your own country. Moreover, due to the time and cost savings, you have more time and money left to work on this.
  2. Conversion optimization | your foreign customer feels more at home in his own personalized environment.
  3. Adwords savings | You can advertise with a unique site in its own language, which improves the quality score and therefore can provide cost savings.
  4. Quality. Although human translators obviously provide even better translations in many cases, Clonable is much better than Google Translate in terms of quality. The cost and time savings also mean that a translator can quickly bring the site up to a near-perfect level for visitors by reviewing the most important pages, menus, etc. and adapting them where necessary.
What languages are possible with Clonable?

The localization possibilities with Clonable are great. You can clone virtually any domain.

Currently, the following languages are available:

  • Bulgaria
  • Cina*
  • Denmark
  • Bahasa Jerman
  • Bahasa Inggris
  • Estonia
  • Finlandia
  • Bahasa Prancis
  • Bahasa Yunani
  • Hongaria
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Italia
  • Bahasa Jepang*
  • Bahasa Korea*
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Belanda
  • Norwegia
  • Ukraina
  • Polandia
  • Bahasa Portugis
  • Rumania
  • Rusia
  • Slovenia
  • Slowakia
  • Bahasa Spanyol
  • Ceko
  • Bahasa Turki
  • Swedia
  • Bahasa Arab

Want to clone your site without translation? That, too, is possible. You can clone virtually any language, as long as it is a similar language or dialect. Examples of common clones are:

  • Belanda (.nl) → Flemish (.be)
  • Jerman (.de) → Austria (.at)
  • Prancis (.fr) → Belgia yang berbahasa Prancis (.be), Kanada (.ca) atau Pantai Gading (.ci)
  • Spanyol (.es) → Argentina (.ar), Meksiko (.mx) atau Kolombia (.co)
  • Internasional (.com) → Inggris (.co.uk), Australia (.au), India (.in) atau Amerika Serikat (.us)

Of course, Clonable also works vice versa for the above options. Curious about another cloning option? Feel free to contact us to ask about the possibilities. No challenge is too crazy for us!

* Untuk bahasa yang disorot, kualitas terjemahan belum setinggi bahasa lainnya.

Apakah mengkloning situs sama dengan menerjemahkannya?

No, cloning or translating a site is not same thing! Cloning a website does not automatically mean that it will also be translated. However, most clients want this and opt for a clone with translation. A cloned website without translation is also possible and offers many advantages. It serves to reach a specific area with the same language and ensures that your website is ranked higher in the search results of that region. However, it is possible to adjust certain keywords to fit the target audience (localization).

Apa perbedaannya dibandingkan dengan menggunakan Google Translate?

Clonable has more advantages than simply translating a website with Google Translate.

  1. A big advantage is that it gives you an additional domain through Clonable, which the search engines index. For example, with a .de domain you can be found in Germany. Google Translate is not indexed by Google, so you won't gain any additional customers.
  2. Google Translate translates the entire page, but changes are not possible. With Clonable it is possible to make changes after the translations, both in terms of text and, for example, changing images, logos or preference settings. Check out our Knowledgebase for more information about all the possibilities.
  3. Google Translate's translations are really not always good. Ours are many times better. Especially since they can also be checked and corrected by a proofreader. You can hire one through us or find one yourself.
  4. A Google Translate button on your website looks fairly unprofessional.
  5. With a cloned website through Clonable, you can advertise or employ marketing strategies with this website (and thus this foreign domain), this cannot be done with Google Translate.
Saya memiliki toko web, apakah itu juga bisa digunakan?

Yes indeed! There are already several customers who have used the Clonable tool to clone their web shop. This works the same and just as well as for a blog or information page. There are even specific replacements for webshops that help boost conversion. Feel free to ask about this.

Do I need any technical knowledge to clone a site via Clonable?

No, you do not need any specific knowledge to work with Clonable. Our system is simply designed and easy to use. If you do not know what to do, you can always contact us for questions. If desired, you can also choose to have the tool configured by Clonable.

Apakah semua situs web dapat dikloning?

Yes, in principle, any website can be cloned! With a clone with translation, there are only a limited number of exceptions when it is not possible to translate everything properly. Loading dynamic content is still not always possible. This happens more often with webshop systems such as Shopify and Wix.

Can I also have my clone configured by Clonable?

Configuring the Clonable clone yourself is very easy. Would you rather have us configure it for you anyway? You can! We can optimize your clone quickly and efficiently. Would you like more information about the costs? Then please contact us.

Dapatkah saya menautkan dengan akun lain, misalnya Google Analytics, Doofinder, Google Search Console, atau mesin pencari lainnya?

Yes, you can easily set this up. For web shops, however, this is not always recommended because the transactions take place on the original account.

Apa perbedaan antara mengalihkan situs ke situs saya saat ini dan mengkloning situs?

Linking a page is not the same as cloning with Clonable. When you clone the page, you can customize it to the look and feel and keywords of the country or region. This makes your website better found by search engines and makes the customer feel more at home on your website.

Bagaimana kualitas terjemahannya?

For languages with the Latin alphabet, the translation quality is 95-97% anyway. For languages with the Cyrillic script, it is at least 93%. For other languages, such as Japanese and Chinese, we were even less able to define this quality. We estimate it to be at least 90%. We always recommend going through a few things carefully:

  • Judul menu: karena jumlah kata yang terbatas, beberapa kata mungkin masih diganti dengan sinonim yang salah.
  • Halaman muka dan halaman lain yang sangat penting.
  • Syarat dan ketentuan umum dan dokumen hukum lainnya.

Quality is easily upgraded to 98-99% with our Clonable tool, through our super simple editor and our substition rules. A proofreader will be able to improve the site very quickly. All in all, even with proofreader you will spend significantly less money than if you have everything translated and entered manually.

Read more about translation quality: https://id.clonable.net/kwaliteit-vertalingen-clonable-ai-vertaalmachine/.

Bagaimana cara memulai Clonable?

Anda dapat memulai Clonable segera setelah Anda membuat akun. Anda dapat di sini segera buat akun Anda. Setelah Anda membuat akun, Anda akan segera mendapatkan akses ke dasbor Clonable. Di dasbor, Anda bisa langsung mulai membuat klon.

Bisakah saya mencoba Clonable secara gratis?

Ya, Anda bisa membuat tiruan situs web Anda secara gratis dan tanpa kewajiban dan mencoba Clonable selama 14 hari. Selama masa uji coba, hanya sejumlah halaman yang akan diterjemahkan.

Dapatkah saya menggunakan Clonable untuk toko web saya?

Ya, Anda juga dapat menggunakan Clonable untuk toko web Anda. Magento, Shopware, Woocommerce, Logic4 bekerja dengan baik, dan banyak sistem lainnya juga. Namun, perlu diingat bahwa sistem CMS seperti Lightspeed dan Shopify mungkin memiliki fungsi yang lebih terbatas ketika menggunakan Clonable, misalnya kode captcha, plugin tertentu, beberapa filter, dll.

Apakah situs terjemahan saya akan diindeks oleh mesin pencari?

Situs web Anda yang diterjemahkan tidak akan diindeks hingga Anda memilih untuk menghapus "Tanpa indeks". Anda harus menyelesaikan semua langkah yang diperlukan di dasbor Clonable sebelum menonaktifkan no-index. Hanya setelah Anda menyelesaikan langkah-langkah ini dan menonaktifkan tanpa-indeks, situs web Anda akan diindeks.

Linking Accounts

Bagaimana cara menautkan akun Google Analytics saya?

Petunjuk untuk menautkan akun Google Analytics Anda akan menyusul. Untuk toko online, perlu diketahui bahwa karena pengukuran konversi, kami lebih suka melakukan pengukuran di akun analitik yang sama dengan toko web asli.

Bagaimana cara menautkan Google Search Console ke situs kloning saya?

You can add a cloned site to your Google Search Console in the same way as with your normal site.
Add poperty → enter domain name or URL

Clonable Back-End

Bagaimana cara bekerja di bagian belakang situs web yang dikloning?

The cloned website does not have its own back-end, as it is a live copy of just the frontend. Any changes in the back-end of the original site will automatically be shown on the translated clone. When you only in the cloned site want to make changes, such as adding keywords or changing logos, you can adjust them in the menu of Clonable.

Apa yang bisa saya ubah di back-end?

With Clonable, almost everything on your site is easy to customize. To localize your website, you can easily customize the following things:

  • (Cari) kata-kata
  • Gambar
  • Untuk menampilkan atau tidak menampilkan teks
  • Logo
  • USP
  • Preferences:
    • Payment Methods
    • Shipping country
  • URL
  • Umpan XML
  • dll.

Clone Request

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan hingga klon saya siap?

Within 10 minutes, the clone is already created and ready to use. However, it often takes longer for the site to be available anywhere in the world due to DNS changes. Unfortunately, we as Clonable also have no influence on the time your IT company needs to set up the language tags correctly. However, you can already start implementing the first changes. We allow for two weeks lead time.

Berapa biaya dari situs web yang dikloning?

An up-to-date overview of our prices can be found on the Prices page of Clonable. For a quote on a custom website or shop, please contact us .

Informasi apa yang diperlukan untuk meminta kloning?

Clonable works with most websites and many web shops. To see if your website or shop is suitable for a clone, you can easily create a demo via the Clonable Dashboard. Are you convinced of the power of Clonable? Then choose the package that suits you best and enter your payment details. That's it, that's all we need!

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