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Menerjemahkan situs web Anda ke dalam bahasa Inggris, mengapa hal itu cerdas?

Situs web adalah bagian penting dari bisnis apa pun. Situs web adalah kartu nama digital dan memberikan kesan pertama kepada pengunjung. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting bahwa situs web berfungsi dengan sempurna dan terlihat profesional. Tentu saja, penting juga bahwa situs web ditampilkan dalam bahasa yang tepat. Dalam banyak kasus, ini adalah bahasa negara tempat perusahaan berada. Namun semakin banyak perusahaan yang memilih untuk menampilkan situs web mereka dalam bahasa Inggris juga. Mengapa hal ini sebenarnya terjadi?

Strategi Internasional

There are several reasons why it makes sense to have your website translated into English. First, it is important to consider the company's international strategy. If the company focuses on the international market, it makes sense to display the website in English. This makes it easier for foreign visitors to understand the website and gives the company a more professional appearance. The English language also ensures that your website is better indexed in international search engines, so this will also make your website better found not only by customers, but also by companies and organizations operating in the English market. This is very useful if you are planning to expand your business internationally.


Even if the company does not directly target the international market, it may be wise to have the website translated into English. After all, English is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. Most people also enjoy scrolling through an English website more, so by translating your website into English, you also make it more customer-friendly for the customer. If the language of a website is not displayed in the visitor's own language, they are more likely to drop out quickly, so by translating it to English, visitors are more likely to take a look at the products displayed on the website. As a result, they are more likely to actually buy or order something.


However, it is not always easy to translate your website. There may be difficulties in translating certain words or phrases and much may be lost in the final translation. However, if you do plan to translate, it is important to hire an expert who can make sure that the website is displayed properly in English. There are several companies that specialize in website translation. One such company is Clonable. They can translate your website properly into English so that you can be sure that all your visitors can understand the website properly.

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