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Clonable ❤️ WordPress

Translate your WordPress website within 5 minutes!

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Attract international visitors.

Improve international SEO rankings.

Super easy and fast.

Video unggulan

Easy to translate?

Discover our plugin!

Watch the instructional video

Free of charge
You can install and test the plugin completely free of charge in conjunction with Clonable.
Quickly installed
The plugin is easy to install through the WordPress plugin catalog.
100% compatible
The plugin is compatible with the latest version of WordPress.
Set up a translated version of your website within 5 minutes using our comprehensive documentation.

Are you using WooCommerce?

For our plugin, no problem!

Logo WooCommerce

Even if you use WooCommerce, Clonable offers the perfect translation solution for your website. Our plug-in includes additional features that work with WooCommerce to show you, for example, per order, from which clone that order was placed.

WordPress logoDownload plugin


Reach more with our WordPress plug-in

Although Clonable also works fine for WordPress websites without our plugin, we recommend everyone to install our plugin. This is because you will get a number of additional features that will get you up and running even faster.

Subfolder clones

The plugin supports subfolder clones, making it very easy to add new languages to your site without having to worry about DNS or other technical aspects.

SEO improvements

Our plugin automatically adds language tags to all pages. This provides better SEO linking for your different pages in different languages.

Language switcher

The plugin offers a simple and customizable language switcher that allows your visitors to easily switch between your different languages.

WooCommerce tracking

An integration with WooCommerce allows for easier conversion measurements between your different clones.


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